Good Tips & FAQs
Good Tips
Tip #1 Keep Your Eye on the Future.
To stay competitive in the workplace, job seekers need to adapt to changing times and technology. Look for ways to translate your current skills to emerging and high growth industries. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the top high growth sectors right now are: Advanced Manufacturing, Automotive, Biotechnology, Construction, Geospatial, Health Care, Hospitality, Information Technology and Retail.
Tip #2 Treat the Business of Finding Employment as a Full Time Job.
Searching for employment can be overwhelming. However, many people don’t realize the wide range of support that is available. Utilizing every resource at your disposal, updating your skills, networking, remaining focused, taking temporary or part-time work if necessary to get by and putting in the hours – 40+ hours a week – are the keys to landing a new position.
Tip #3 Translate Your Military Skills.
There are several tools available to help veterans transition into civilian careers. Many veterans are unaware of how the skills they learned in the military can easily be applied to a variety of occupations and civilian industries. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs lists several military skills translators to help update your resume.
How do I avoid employment scams?
Sometimes, it seems that there are as many scams as legitimate job openings. In general, if a job says that you can earn a lot of money in a hurry with no experience or skills necessary, the chances are good that it’s not a legitimate job opportunity.
As a teen, how can I get a job if I have no work experience?
There are many options for teens when it comes to finding their first job. First, it is important to tap into all the resources available to you. Goodwill Southern California’s Youth Programs are a good place to start. Also, tell family, friends and neighbors that you are looking for work – you never know who might be looking for temporary or part-time employees. Consider taking a non-paid internship to gain some work experience. Also, think seasonal. Many retail stores hire teens for temporary jobs over the winter holiday season, and look to amusement parks or beach-side attractions and restaurants for summer employment.